Anyone with a well-tended garden knows the endless hours that can be eaten up by chores. And there’s no finish line in sight—cultivated ground comes with a year-long schedule of planting, weeding, mulching, pruning, cutting back, and composting (with a lot more jobs on top if you also grow your own plants from seed or […]
Love to garden? These tips from The Family Handyman will help you be faster, cleaner, and more efficient. 1. Build a gardener’s portfolio. Keep tabs on your garden. Create a scrapbook using an inexpensive photo album and add your plant tags and sticks to it each season. Then, make it as detailed as you’d like […]
“In a nutshell, what is the best way to go about beautifying my yard?” I am sometimes asked this rather broadquestion, and it’s a tough one to answer. There are so many variables in DIY landscaping, such as budget, skills, the climate of your region, your personal design tastes, how you’ll be using your yard, […]
If you’ve never tackled a landscape design before, you might be overwhelmed by all the choices you can make. But, if you think of it as a room inside your home, it makes it a lot easier. The same principles that guide your room setup inside should guide your designs outside, too. You know how to put […]
The number of people opting to add plants to their landscaping or home decor has been increasing over the years, and it’s easy to see why. A well-planned yard can do wonders to liven up your space, add interest and color, and greatly reduce the amount of money you spend on other home improvements, such […]
Male chastity is an incredibly hot activity that you can try on your own or with a partner. How does it work, and which devices are the best? Should you get a chastity belt instead of a cock cage? Keep reading to find out! The Purpose of Chastity Devices for Men On the surface, chastity […]